Basildon Chess Club

Basildon Chess Club Championship 2024 The 2024 Club Championship commenced on 30th May 2024. 12 entries were received.
The winner has the honour of an engraving on the ancient(!?) Club Champions shield, which dates back to the latter part of the 20th century.
The tournament consists of two all-play-all (once) groups. The winner and runner-up of each group will qualify for the semi-final. In the event of a tie for 1st/2nd place, the head to head game will act as a tie breaker. If this was drawn, 1st/2nd place will be decided by the toss of a coin. In the event of a tie for 2nd/3rd, a Rapid play off will take place. No tie breaker in this case.
The semi-finals will be Winner Group A v Runner-Up Group B and Winner Group B v Runner-Up Group A.
The time controls for all non-rapid games will be 80 mins + 10 secs per move.

Club Championship Group Matches
Pos Group A JB RB RS PL SH SV Pts             Pos Group B DK DM AG PS MM AH Pts
1 Justin Baptie x -B 1W 1B -W -B 2/2 1 Dave Kraszewski x -B -W 1B -W 1B 2/2
=4 Radu Bara -W x -B -W -B -W 0/0 3 David Millward -W x ½B -W -B -W ½/1
3 Robbie Staff 0B -W x ½B -W -B ½/2 2 Arunas Gedvilas -B ½W x -B 1W -B 1½/2
2 Peter Laundy 0W -B ½W x -B 1W 1½/3 =4 Paul Savin 0W -B -W x -B -W 0/1
=4 Steve Higgins -B -W -B -W x -B 0/0 =4 Mandar Mane -B -W 0B -W x -B 0/1
WD Spyros Vasileiadis WITHDRAWN 0B -W x WD =4 Alice Harmer 0W -B -W -B -W x 0/1
Group Match Reports Group A
30-May-2024 - Peter got off to a winning start against Spyros. Early gains of a pawn and then the exchange were sufficient for Peter's experience to do the rest and claim the point.
20-Jun-2024 - One of two cagey games played tonight, Peter and Robbie were both keen to give nothing away and a quickish draw was agreed.
11-Jul-2024 - Justin gained a positional advantage over Robbie in the early middlegame, then turned this into a 2 pawn material advantage which proved decisive.
05-Sep-2024 - After an even opening and early middlegame between Peter and Justin, the latter took advantage of queenside pawn weaknesses to gain a pawn, then followed this with another in the double rook endgame and Peter was forced to concede.

Group B
30-May-2024 - Alice, making her club championship debut, had a tough start against Dave K. Alice had a promising opening position, but then misjudged and castled Q-side into a wicked attack that ended in mate on the 20th move.
20-Jun-2024 - The other cagey game. Arunas and David gave no chances to their opponent and a relatively quick draw was agreed.
04-Jul-2024 - Arunas made no mistake in obtaining his first win, with Mandar his unfortunate opponent.
01-Aug-2024 - Paul (playing white) and Dave K attacked each others king without a care in the world, but it was Dave’s attack that broke through with just a few seconds left on the clock - a thrilling finale for the spectators who were still awake at 11pm when it ended.